Overcoming bad habits
For habits such as smoking, overeating, alcohol and other addictions please see the relevant page on my site click here to see the list.
By "bad habit" I refer to something that a person does automatically and no longer wants to have happen. The bad habits I am talking about here include things like nail biting or picking, thumb sucking, teeth grinding, hair pulling, procrastination and those things that, if we are not too careful, could develop into an Obsessive Compulsion or a full blown addiction (e.g. texting, web browsing, shopping or binge drinking).
We are, of course, all creatures of habit. Most habits are useful and some are good for us, but some are bad for us and some are somewhere in between. But of course what is bad and what is good is, like beauty, entirely in the eye of the beholder.
It is always worth remembering that every bad habit originates from a positive intent for the person, often set in childhood, perhaps to get pleasure or comfort, or to help with concentration, or to cope with boredom or anxiety. Original causes and reasons may well be lost in the past, and even when known for certain, the person with the bad habit is still left with the challenging problem of overcoming it.
While the original intent behind the habit can change over time, a bad habit, and the problem, continues because, to the individual at least, there are benefits to be had from it. No matter how strange it may seem, the benefits still underpin the bad habit. For example, the nail biter may like being lost in their own world for a while and frequent washing of hands does reduce the spread of disease.
So when helping people to overcome their bad habits its important to ensure the client still gets to satisfy their underlying need, but in more useful and appropriate ways. In hypnosis, the conscious critical mind is bypassed to give access to the sub-conscious mind, that part of the brain that stores and controls all habits. Hypnosis will enable you to be so deeply relaxed and open to suggestions, that you can effectively and rapidly be reprogrammed to let go of that old habit and develop new ways of thinking and being that are better for you.
Depending on the habit, and personal motivation and attachment, it usually takes between 1 to 3 sessions to help someone overcome their bad habit.
By "bad habit" I refer to something that a person does automatically and no longer wants to have happen. The bad habits I am talking about here include things like nail biting or picking, thumb sucking, teeth grinding, hair pulling, procrastination and those things that, if we are not too careful, could develop into an Obsessive Compulsion or a full blown addiction (e.g. texting, web browsing, shopping or binge drinking).
We are, of course, all creatures of habit. Most habits are useful and some are good for us, but some are bad for us and some are somewhere in between. But of course what is bad and what is good is, like beauty, entirely in the eye of the beholder.
It is always worth remembering that every bad habit originates from a positive intent for the person, often set in childhood, perhaps to get pleasure or comfort, or to help with concentration, or to cope with boredom or anxiety. Original causes and reasons may well be lost in the past, and even when known for certain, the person with the bad habit is still left with the challenging problem of overcoming it.
While the original intent behind the habit can change over time, a bad habit, and the problem, continues because, to the individual at least, there are benefits to be had from it. No matter how strange it may seem, the benefits still underpin the bad habit. For example, the nail biter may like being lost in their own world for a while and frequent washing of hands does reduce the spread of disease.
So when helping people to overcome their bad habits its important to ensure the client still gets to satisfy their underlying need, but in more useful and appropriate ways. In hypnosis, the conscious critical mind is bypassed to give access to the sub-conscious mind, that part of the brain that stores and controls all habits. Hypnosis will enable you to be so deeply relaxed and open to suggestions, that you can effectively and rapidly be reprogrammed to let go of that old habit and develop new ways of thinking and being that are better for you.
Depending on the habit, and personal motivation and attachment, it usually takes between 1 to 3 sessions to help someone overcome their bad habit.